From Burnout to Breakthrough: Sustaining and Sparking Passion in Nonprofit Leadership

In 2024, Amber did something she thought she’d never do: Quit her dream job. As the Founder and Executive Director of the nonprofit she started in college, Activate Good, Amber spent most of her adult life building and growing an organization to answer the personal call she heard as a young professional to make an impact.

Feeling burned out and out of sync, Amber realized her story was one of many similar stories among her nonprofit and social impact peers. Every year, the nonprofit sector loses thousands of leaders and talent to burnout and retirement, and the number of new changemakers joining the sector is too few to close the gap. How can we re-energize our current social impact leaders while creating the conditions needed to usher in new cohorts of passionate changemakers? 

In this keynote, Amber will share her burnout story, and offer insights into how we can create personal and organizational strategies to keep critical talent in the social impact game – while also creating the conditions necessary for new changemakers to join the fight for a better world.  

The audience will learn… 

  • How to reflect, refuel, and recalibrate yourself and your organization so you can stay in the work (even if the work changes over time!)
  • How misconceptions about the nonprofit sector are creating barriers to entry for new talent
  • Ways we can all work together to create a pipeline of social impact evangelists
Amber Melanie Smith
Event Details
  • Start Date
    October 23, 2024 12:30 pm
  • End Date
    October 23, 2024 2:00 pm
  • Status