Sabrina has an extensive career in nonprofit management and philanthropy with over 25 years in the sector. Her expertise spans across a variety of roles and organizations in North Carolina, including Executive Director of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Durham and Orange Counties (now Triangle BBBS), Director of The United Way of Forsyth County, NC’s Volunteer Center, and Director of Strategic Initiatives at The Winston-Salem Foundation. In early 2019, Sabrina joined the John Rex Endowment in Raleigh, NC and serves as Vice President, where she oversees the Endowment’s strategy development, helps create new partnerships throughout NC and the Southeast to support the Endowment’s advocacy and movement building efforts, and supports a team who ensure that the Endowment’s communications, grantmaking, and advocacy efforts align with their mission of strengthening organizations that center racial equity and justice to improve the social emotional health of children living in Wake County. Sabrina firmly believes in prioritizing community voice and expertise, recognizing that those closest to the issues impacting them know best what is needed to thrive, not just survive. Sabrina’s commitment to the nonprofit sector extends beyond her role at the John Rex Endowment. She currently serves on the board of directors for the NC Center for Nonprofits, demonstrating her passion for advancing the mission of nonprofit organizations. Sabrina is a native of Winston-Salem, NC and holds a BA in Industrial Psychology and a Masters in Business Administration. She enjoys spending time with loved ones, watching track and field, and exploring new destinations through international travel.